MADV - by @thomasbcn
Welcome to MADV: Mobile.Ad.Ventures!
What I say about it: This is a free, unregular newsletter curating recent trends in mobile (app) marketing. Curation+opinion: I hand-pick recent content in app marketing and provide short, hard-comments to cut through the noise & BS. For more regular updates, follow me on twitter @thomascbn…
Better, what others say about it:
“If I only had to read one source of information about mobile marketing, it would be this one”, Petr Fodor (founder, AppAgent)
“@thomasbcn who has been ever-so-helpful to this community (and the mobile industry as a whole) in keeping us all up-to-date on hot topics and pressing issues in mobile. Newsworthy, on point, calling it for what it is, and shedding a much-needed critical light on duopolies / monopolies”, Moritz Dann (founder, Phiture)
“How to establish yourself as a must-read newsletter in 2.5 editions... Don't sleep on this one”, Sylvain Gauchet (mobile marketing, Babbel)
“@Thomasbcn's new MADV newsletter is an incipient must-read, as an irregularly-paced deep dive into topical issues related to mobile advertising, subscriptions, and monetization”,Eric Seufert (founder, MDM)
“A must have in your mail! premium curation in UA and growth that I don't find anywhere else”, Luis Guzman (growth lead, TheVentureCity)
“Since I started, @Thomasbcn was one of my main content curator sources. A few weeks ago, he released an amazing newsletter which is a must”, Alfonso Villar (founder, Playspace)
“One of the best newsletters I've ever read”, Jake Mor (founder, FitnessAI)
“Actionable advice to increase the revenue your app makes “, Cesc Vilanova (CPO, FCM Travel)
“If you work in growth in the mobile industry, this newsletter from @Thomasbcn is a MUST read/subscribe”, Mathias Honorato (growth manager, Tally)
“One of my very favourite industry figures Thomas Petit started his own newsletter which I cannot help but have to recommend YOU to follow (I miss the French accent but the amount of insights make up for it) ... I always wonder how much more you know that you're not telling us :) ”, Martin Jelinek (head of marketing, Appagent)
“This newsletter is FULL of surprise AND Amazing ! A LOT of great learnings - best newsletter to read, even for a Monday morning 🙏”, Claire Rozain (UA, ProductMadness)
“Everybody is talking about it at Wildlife”, Pablo Miranda (UA & ASO, Wildlife Studios)
“Great work Thomas - please keep 'em coming!”, Andre Kempe (founder, Admiral Media)
“Superb research/writing from @thomasbcn”, Adam Lovallo (founder,
“This newsletter is pretty fucking good folks”, Alex Barredo (founder
“For any mobile marketing manager out there, this is a MUST READ newsletter. By our savior in the industry, the only one that tells you the truth”, Ahmed Akour (ASO manager, eSim)
“Instant Sign-up!”, Lukas Königshofer (head of BD, AppRadar)
“A must-read, thanks for gathering so much worthy info in 1 source”, Gustavo Rubio (mobile manager, LoveToKnow Media)
Older issues available at
Feedback very welcome: hit me hard!!
Submissions: @thomasbcn / thomasbcna -at - gmail (working on streamlining this)
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